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Bill & Kathy Dillon's Book





You can click the book above to purchase a copy at Amazon

The first book in the U.S.A. written in English about the French Brittany!


Bill and Kathy Dillon pass on their decades of experience and knowledge of the breed in their book THE FRENCH BRITTANY, L’ EPAGNEUL BRETON IN THE U.S.A. The book includes information on the Epagneul Breton, a study of the breed standard, genetics, some history of the breed, what to do with your pup when it gets home, how to get it started in the right direction, building bird passion and continues on to whoa training, the field training of your dog and hunting as well as safety and equipment. It's a full color book with lots of pictures of wonderful Epagneul Bretons.

Click on the book above to get a copy.

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A reader's review: "I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your book on the French Brittany. I finished it last night and I really hated to see it end. I got my first hunting dog from my mom and dad on my 16th birthday and I am now 63 so I’ve had some wonderful bird dogs over the years and many memorable hunting trips. I have many books on bird dogs and training but one really stands out and was the first one I read many years ago. GUN DOG by Richard Wolters. I would put your book right up there with it. Your book has some great reminders and training tips for any breed and some great stories of your travels. I will definitely recommend your book to my friends. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and stories." Keith MacRae

To see dog products that we recommend for use with your dog or while hunting, click here.


Exceptional pointing dogs - perfect for home and field.

AKC/UKC Registered Epagneul Bretons, French Brittany Gun Dogs


Website design by Kathleen    Dillon

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